The world of Blockchain and Crypto never stands still. I have previously dedicated a blog to this topic and now by popular demand here is a sequel. Do not expect an academic lecture on this topic. Written in an informal style, I take you by the hand through the world of Crypto and we continue with what I wrote earlier.
Month: September 2021
Why not a Universal Basic Income, but Cash Credit Reserve
Universal Basic Income vs Cash Credit Reserve, what is the difference and why do we choose the model of a Cash Credit Reserve with the Community Welfare Program. Here we take a closer look at the choices we made to combat the wealth gap. The question should always be what is best for members and not so much which system is better?
Participating in Startup Funding
This project document was first published on December 16, 2020. We have revised and rewritten the entire document. The document is now correct for the current situation. This document is part of a series of 3 project documentation.
Project -2 Community Welfare Program
What does a real and sustainable solution to the wealth gap look like? This Community Welfare Program initiative gives you that insight. It is a strategy to bring the unbanked community into the banking system. A response to the politically influenced debates about a universal basic income. Blockchain and crypto will embrace this trajectory and give the project security and robustness. That’s the topic we will cover and much more.